A man CAN hit a woman in self defense! ✅ #texas #lawyer #selfdefense #menoftiktok #womenoftiktok

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23 thoughts on “A man CAN hit a woman in self defense! #texas #lawyer”
  1. Guess what buddy, there is no law that prevents a man from hitting a woman. However there is a law that prevents anyone from hitting another person thats called assault. As i said there is no law stating a man can not hit a woman.

  2. I am a man, and when I was a child, some girls bullied me

    At that time I wasn't very sporty, I was a bit overweight, these girls were quick on their feet and ran after me to bully me
    They pushed me, hit me, spat on me, held me down. After several minutes of torture from the girls, I pushed the girls away. I didn't use full muscle power, I jacked myself down to their physical muscle level, I pushed more gently than I would if it was a boy as strong as me, I tensed more gently than I would otherwise if it were a person who had the same physical muscle level as myself. But who got shut up? I got the punishment, because I was the boy. Those teachers who yelled are the same ones who taught us about equality in the classroom, damn hypocrites teachers

  3. Men could do more physical damage so if a woman hits a man the woman will probaly play victim and the man is accused because a man would probaly hit first they think when if a woman hits a man men grow bigger in puberity sometimes some woman are taller then men tho and a mans build is different so the mans torso is bigger and it gives more strength i think so a man could do more physical damage so men shouldent hit back unless real harm will be dealt or the woman has a weapon

  4. God made women the weaker vessel, so, if a woman hits a man and he hits back, he's hitting down. Only in Texas, the worse state in the union to live in, run by the communist party telling you what you can and can't do.

  5. While this may be true legally – if you actually do that – you had also better be prepared to take on 3-5 or more other guys who will just randomly come to her defense – because most guys are D-thinker Captain Save-a-304's trying to earn the P points in the hopes of getting laid – which is why you ALWAYS carry a weapon on you – that way you can easily put those D-thinkers the frack down too 🙂 Cheers!

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