Finnish Knitting Stories – Episode 56: a bit of Neon Mood

In this episode I’m showing you two finished objects, a new cast-on and we chat at the end.

You can find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kettuknits
and Ravelry https://www.ravelry.com/projects/kettuknits

Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/finnishknittingstories

Our Ravelry group: https://www.ravelry.com/groups/finnish-knitting-stories-podcast

Finished Objects:
Musselburgh hat: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/musselburgh
Saturday Shrug: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/saturday-shrug-2

On my Needles:
Jelly Roll Blanket: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/jelly-roll-blanket
Lento: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/lento

Free pig pattern bundle: https://www.ravelry.com/bundles/free-pig-patterns


42 thoughts on “Finnish Knitting Stories – Episode 56: a bit of Neon Mood”
  1. The musselburgh hat is a great knit which is so versatile. Love the one you knitted for your son. It is a very very popular hat. The shrug you are wearing looks warm and funky. Then funky coloured sweater maybe you should frog it back. Your son is wise beyond his years opting for a lower priced present 🎁. Pigs with wigs there is a funky edge to your podcast. The BBR will eventually be finished. I have had some difficulty commenting on podcasts. It is just me and the weather it had been very hot and humid and tiring. Thank goodness the temperature drops at night. Take care Jana heipa

  2. I was watching little big knits and she was showing some trivets she made and mentioned your name. Is there a link to how you made them. She mentioned using 5 strands of yarn. Help I want to make some too. Thanks for sharing all you do. 😊🇨🇦

  3. Jana, I love your podcast. You have a lovely laugh and smile. I’m a first generation Finnish American and listening and watching you reminds me of my Finnish relatives especially my Dad and grandparents. Your podcast leaves me with warm, happy feelings. I adore your Saturday shrug and I love the idea of a pig knit-along. Also thank you for showing all your WIPs and how up you store them in bags. This inspired me to sew myself some bags to store my WIPs in and now I leave my bagged WIPs around the house rather than hiding them in the closet. Thank you!

  4. I love that you show all the mistakes and indecision, because sometimes I get frustrated with myself at how slow I am due to these types of things. Glad to know I'm not the only one!
    I think you should frog back and take the yellow mohair out. Better to do it now than later, and the contrast is nice

  5. I love watching your sharing and your chat about your fabulous creations – both knitting and crochet, your home, seasons, and homeland. It is a journey to the other side of the world for me whilst I experience warmth and sunshine of an Aussie summer in your winter, and cooler (albeit not really cold!) temperatures when you are thawing out on your long summer days. I am trying to teach myself continental knitting after a lifetime of English style knitting – a hard habit to break! My only hesitation and difficulty is combatting the purl stitch, and I noticed that you complete the stitch with ease. Yes, I know you have been knitting this way for your whole life too, but I would love to know how you manage the knitting of the rib during your chat with such comfort and relaxed ease? Your colours and neon pops in your knits are so yummy…and I would love to be able to add some of those fabulous colours to my stash sometime. Maybe the next time I travel across the globe and visit your beautiful land! I'll put it on my bucket list!

  6. Hi Jana. I hope you and your family are doing well. I am watching your video right now. It is Friday night almost 10 pm the 10th of Feb., 2022. I want to tell you about my projects. I finished making a cotton kitchen towel from a kit that I bought through E-Bay and the company that sent it is Herschners which has been in business since 1899. I sewed all the threads in this evening and now I have to block it. There are four colors in succession and they are blue, lime, pink and lilac. It has 51 inches across and it took me only four days to make it. The design is to knit the first row and the 2nd row is three knit and three purl all the way across and that is the pattern. I have enough yarn for a second towel. I have another kit to make a green shawl. I will start it in the next couple of days. You are such a nice lady, Jana. I think you are an amazing knitter. You are such a friendly lady, Jana. Take Care. 😊

  7. Another lovely video, thank you. Oh, I really like the mohair with the handspun, to me it blends the colors like a watercolor painting. I love the idea of a "Pig" knit along!

  8. I love your bright, happy Lento! You've probably already made your decision, but I really like the mohair held with your handspun. I hope your son had a very happy birthday. He's an impressive young man.

  9. Jana, I would be interested if you could discuss the differences between all the top down raglan stocking stitch crew neck sweaters that are out there. I can't understand why there seem to be so many patterns for what looks like the same finished product. For example, you have enough skill to knit a raglan sweater without a pattern, so I wonder why you are using the Lento pattern? This is not a criticism. I am genuinely interested. I knitted one jumper in this style (The Classic, Espace Tricot) and I would go back to this pattern and tweek it if I wanted something similar, but maybe I'm missing something.

  10. Super cute intro – you are very clever 😍 Your son has picked up the money sense from you – he will have a comfortable life because he won't impulse spend all his money. I grew up in a remote town with no shops – just a pub – and my mum ordered everything from mail order catalogues twice a year. We never saw the catalogues, or the deliveries – birthday and Christmas presents appeared like magic. Because we had no idea what we could have, we were always excited and grateful for what we did get, which wasn't a lot. When I was 11 we moved back to the city and we went to a department store. I stood for ages just mesmerised by all the colours and lights, the fragrances and aromas, and all the lovely things. I told my mum that when I grew up I wanted to work in a department store 😂

  11. I am a newer viewer of your channel & have gone back and watched most of Vlogmas, so I feel like I am caught up. You are a delight to watch and I respond in my head to you when your talking. 😂. One of my friend said you had a candle 🕯️ that was made with salt and oil… can you explain a bit or refer me to the episode you had that in. I am very curious & want to make one.

  12. So true, when times are hard we DO always have our knitting and knitting friends. Thank you for another uplifting podcast!! I really liked the music played at the end of the video – could you pass on what/who it was please??

  13. Hello I would like to ask you a question; I have a family member with stage 4 cancer. She lives in Washington State, U.S. I would like to make her a looser copy of your leggings the problem is I can't find the pattern. When she has chemo she sweats, is cold and get warm, can you suggest a yarn. i'd ultimately like make her a shawl, blanket, leggings. can you help me on those yarns too. whether you know it or not, you are very knowledgeable about yarn knitting and i enjoy listening to your show, love your show

  14. I don’t journal like a daily diary either. I do record my crafting, which at the moment is mainly needlepoint. My knitting I usually record on the pattern because I use paper patterns.

  15. I say frog the stripes and let that hand-spun shine. (I frog a LOT, and think nothing of it . . . . it's knitting). Be a proud mama. Your son is a cool soul. Love his intro too. Hugs (and, boob warmer 🤣😂🤣)

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