Showing how we set up our locksmith vans, Its helpful for other locksmith and locksmiths that are starting out to get some ideas as to what works and how other locksmiths set-up work vans. Some things you may like and other you may not, but a Locksmith van is a very custom van that takes a lot of time and money to get a working system that will allow you to do your job without extra unnecessary hassle. This video is to give ideas to people in the trade or starting in the trade.Leave your comments on what you like and what you dislike. Please post your van so us Locksmiths can see your setup


By Dr Lock

28 thoughts on “Locksmith Van Example 1 – VW Caddy Setup”
  1. Nice Setup, think I saw a couple Long Reach Tools, am sure you have other Auto Lockout tools, I might turn that Crate upside down, Cushion on plywood and use the Crate for Storage(Jumper Cables, Oil?) Nice.

  2. Not sure if you are still responding to this video, looks like it was posted about 3 1/2 years ago.

    I recently started looking into becoming a locksmith. With the pandemic still going on, I was wondering how much of what you need to learn can be learned remotely. I saw a locksmith video school, where besides the videos covering the necessary areas to know, you receive tools, practice locks / keys and a manual with workbook for the lessons.

    I had originally thought you would have to go to work for someone, or a company, more as an apprentice and learn the trade as you go.

    Thank you, and very impressive job with the van!

  3. This is my dream van. Watching this opened my eyes on how much harder i have to work an push myself to call myself a locksmith. Wow. This is Motivation right here. Thanks. 2021 my goal is set to set up an nice work van.

  4. Sounds like a pretty big investment in tools. What kind of return do you see off the investment? Never really thought you could make decent money making keys

  5. @Dr lock I really like your van design I’m about to get started to in the field and I’m hoping to have a simple nice setup if you do t mind me as what is the width and height of the shelf that contain the cutting tools and also the width of the passage are. And for those yellow plastic contain where did you find them

  6. Your van is incredible! I will watch your other videos after this, but I have to wonder.. I read some of the comments and you said you got another van, a better one. After watching this video I can only imagine your new van could possibly; take flight/hover, is also a submarine, or can time travel.. pretty amazing setup you have there, thank you for sharing!

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