Stargate Genius David Hewlett explores the world of lock picking with a new kit from LockPickWorld. He talks about starting TechBandits to fight “Black Box” syndrome and the amazing undersea world of sunken treasure technology!


16 thoughts on “Picking Locks, Fighting Black Box Syndrome and Sunken Treasure”
  1. Take care brother! Try not to ascend! Right on with the lock picking and the black box syndrome. My entire professional life has been spent trying to rid the world of this problem, one person and/or company at a time.

    I just did a circa.2000 mod on a PC where I cut out the side case and put perspex and lighting in there for a young lad just getting his first gaming PC. I get the feeling he's gonna be a black box opener so I gave him a window to the world.

    Sadly ….. not all are so receptive and just want the black box to be fixed before the Wraith take the shields down! Sadly some want just what's behind the lock and not the exhilaration of the "click".

  2. Printers print … since when? In my experience 80% of their existence is either refusing to do anything, moan about a colour being empty (especially when printing plain text) or just spitting out blank pages and feigning ignorance as to why. Apart from that 100% agree, we have to stay curious and encourage the younger generations to be likewise.

  3. Thank you so much for the kind words about the gift and letter! This was very touching and it means so much to me that you like them~💙I am sure the kids will have a blast with the lockpicking and I do hope you feel better soon!!

  4. Quickly… Call Carson Beckett .. you will be up just in time 🙂 Its …different to see you with "basic" locks n lockpick while in Atlantis handling ancient technology 😀 People have a lot of heroes…. I grew up on SG my hero was always Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay aka D. Hewlett since SG1 episodes 🙂 Greetings from the Czech Republic

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