Ultimate Self-Defense Championship (USDC) is a YouTube reality series that pits six martial arts experts against each other in various self-defense challenges.

If you want to see the behind the scenes footage of season 1 click here: https://martialartsjourney.com/training

00:00 Fighting on a moving bus
15:43 Dealing with surprise attacks
40:17 Escaping knife attackers
59:20 Bonus challenge: zombie survival
01:28:34 Self-defense scenarios
01:49:39 Knife defense
02:07:39 Finale

#martialarts #usdc1 #selfdefense


34 thoughts on “6 Martial Artists Compete in Self Defense Challenges”
  1. It is hilarious how all the slick techniques that people pull off in sparring go out the window when there is stress involved. Best part about this was the bit where "Real fights don't resemble sparring". I honestly think people put sparring on a pedestal, especially because what most people call sparring is a glorified game of back n' forth tag. Real fights are two people going at 100% because they're pissed/scared and unlike a good sparring match….real fights are ALL EGO…They're so much more chaotic as well. Like two wild animals. It's a race to see who can damage who the most, the fastest. But if we trained like that often we'd all be chewed up in no time. Sparring is great but it's just another tool. You can't go 100% on each other even in protective gear, I don't care what people say, and if you can you probably lack power. In this sense hitting bags and throwing dummies at 100% intensity for short durations probably has more in common with a real fight than two dudes tapping eachother with pulled punches and kicks and calling it sparring.

  2. This was good overall. However the knife defense one was BS. That marker is so short it makes it way harder to disarm (a longer blade that would actually be able to penetrate to internal organs is way easier to disarm because you can use leverage on the blade). People survival multiple knife wounds all the time, so how they are judging the lethality is a little overpowered, especially with such a tiny 'knife.' There is a reason why fighting-knifes are longer (like the classic Commando knife). You have a much better chance of reaching the vital organs with a thrust with a longer blade, but this also makes it easier to disarm. Also, unless your attacker is wearing armor in real life, in reality you will have the option of eye gouges, groin strikes, chops to the throat, and other hand to hand attacks that have a higher likely hood of being fatal or incapacitating the attacker.
    Its an unfair test because the tiny little marker stabs are counted as fatal and the defender does not have any lethal hand to hand options to strike back with (which would be available in real life). Lastly, if they put these same fighters in a room with the average meth-head street person (the kind of person who is more likely to engage in stabby behavior) they also would have had more success. Self-defense moves (like weapon disarms, wristlocks, joint manipulation) that often get criticized are not designed for use against top tier fighters, but they work very well against your average violent idiot. Self-Defense should be about giving average people skills to defend themselves against common attacks from COMMON attackers. Of course many self defense moves fail when performed against exceptional fighters who have been giving all the advantages in a scenario.

    If you take someone trained in the use of a handgun for self-defense, then put them in a scenario where they have to charge a machine gun nest across open ground you are not proving that handguns are ineffective for self-defense when they get shredded.

    I'm not saying that going up against a knife unarmed is simple or easy, but this scenario was unreasonably stacked against the defender . As much as Self Defense instructors get criticized for 'teaching disarms' that could get people killed, the opposite can be true as well. If you convince people they have 0 likely hood of surviving an attacker with a knife they may not fight back when they ought to. For example, the woman who goes along with her knife wielding kidnapper and is therefore taken to an isolated location where he can have his way and murder her… as opposed to fighting back in the first instance, striking the vulnerable areas of the body (neck, throat, eyes, groin) and escaping.

  3. I really have to question quite a bit of the judgement here.
    Closing the door when the boss interviews you subtracting points for example.
    Treating a wounded drugged man immediately as a threat and valuing your life so much higher than his gaining you points as well.
    The realism of a cut man grabbing the glass and cutting himself so more.
    Having no handicap or even consideration for the huge weight gaps is a good one too.

  4. I enjoyed this event until the knife defense segment, there is no reasonableness to it. all rules are set on defenders . knife gun and weapon comes into the scene all rules should be out or you have no chance of even making out of that scenario . so i dont see what that exercise could've proved for a point.

  5. Actually putting so much money and effort into a project like this and then publishing it in one long video is such a sign for you being mainly concerned for your content.

    Big props

  6. Really wish this was more about which discipline is the best in real world applications. Having purists compete. Also have it all be the same weight class and relative age. Otherwise its heavily skewed as an experiment. 💯

  7. On the bus I don't understand why strikers are not using their tools. They are lunging forward head first against trained graplers lol. You're a kick boxer, create distance and strike. The Karate guy was the only one that understood this lol.

  8. Nice exercise, but so much cumbersome gear negates against what real "self defense" would be. Enviromental engagement is key. what might work in a large open area, does not work in in a phone booth. This exercise requires different planning and strategies than dojo, or ring training.

  9. Okay breaking stuff by hand? Get any hard working tradesman with work hardened hands and arms and he will break most of that gear as a laugh.Carpenter steel worker plumber brick layer concreter panel beater tree feller etc no Marshall art training will be any better at arm strength than a strong worker.

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