The Apple River Stabbing verdict is in and Nicolae Miu was found guilty of reckless homicide. Many people believe this was a clear cut case of self defense… but is that based on facts or bias?

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32 thoughts on “Self Defense Expert Breaks Down the Apple River Stabbing”
  1. Bro, those fascists in the force did a number on your intelligence. Not guilty literally means you didn't commit the crime. You are right juries are idiots but "not guilty means not guilty of the crime" as an argument is infinitely superior to the argument "not guilty could still mean guilty". Those fascists in the force wrecked your brain buddy.

  2. Not everybody lies. Neurotypicals lie. Neurotypicals cannot say what they mean to save their lives. And assume and just hear what they want when honest people, usually neurodivergent, tell the truth with no embellishment.
    Seriously, living in this world full of ridiculous people is just pain.

    Also neurotypicals are oblivious to most of what happens around them.

  3. I saw the video. Nic is not guilty IMO. Leaving out the taunting lies and screaming of Juwahn Cockfield: Nic fell over the kids' tubes when one of them held up what he thought was the phone he was looking for. Around the time, he falls over the tubes, Nic loses his snorkel and googles so now he is looking for those too. Juwahn thinks goggles sounds like little girls. Juwahn says Nic is looking for little girls and calls Nic a pedo and a raper. Nic then walks away from Group of 6 to Maddy (whose larger group shows up). Group of 6 follows him. Nic tries to talk to Maddy. Maddy & others say, "Doesn't matter. Go!" They pointed in the opposite direction of Nic's group (who Nic waves at twice). Juwahn says, "for da culture" and Nic "has 10 seconds". Maddy and Rhyley are touching and turning Nic. Nic is holding a knife. Then I guess Dante punches Nic. Nic does not hit any female. It almost looks like a domino effect of pushing per the video and Nic is in the water. While Nic is down, Dante hits Nic more times and others start joining in attacking Nic and pushing him, trying to keep him down in the water. Nic gets back to his feet and uses the knife on anyone who comes at him. It looks like he only pokes an attacker once. Nic does look a little crazed, but I would be too. That this is no self-defense is a crime. Inciting a deadly riot is a crime, Juwahn.

  4. he went over TO them stopped thier raft and caused the whole problem. He could have let them float by then looked for his stuff. he went over to them, stopped their raft, with a knife…who carries a knife when they go swimming…guys that want to fight a group of kids. if you go mess with a group of kids minding their own business, its your fault. he went to them, they didn't go to him

  5. 1st day stuff is that "not guilty means you probably still did something?"

    Wow idiocracy.

    On another note, if he threw the first punch, then he is aggressor. But i wouldnt be willing to condemn a person for murder if it wasnt on the video.

  6. It’s not self defense anymore when old man escalated the situation and became the aggressor. He could have exit the scene and swallow his pride to live the rest of his life with family and friends but he choose to become someone famous.

  7. When he was looking for the phone he dropped his goggles, he then tried to get the attention of his wife & friends but they didn'tt see him. a woman that was from a completely different group was in his face telling him to leave and didn't give him the option to go the way he wanted. he explained the goggles he lost had deep sentimental value to him. he tried speaking with the lady but she spoke over him. that was when SHE claimed to have gotten hit (after its shown she aggressively grabbed him& NO ONE besides her could testify that they saw it happen) that's when the boys ambushed him. Yes it showed in the beginning that he was looking around for the phone moving the tubes but he had stopped then the situation with the woman happened. He NEVER ONCE yelled at the group nor cussed nor did anything that would make the group ambush him.If you see him in the stand he is not well with speaking about his emotions or using his words to explain how he feels which makes a lot of sense when you look back at the river video to why he didn't use his words to speak up. This man was BULLIED by a group of DRUNK boys- yes he could have walked away but when the lady talked over to him screaming to get the f away- everything happened so fast that he had NO CHOICE but to defend himself once he was thrown to the ground being slapped around being called a pedo and rap ist by 5+ guys. You want to talk about no such thing as innocent if you are not guilty & all the technicalities about convictions etc, how about the technicalities & everything else that comes into play about a case & why the person did what they did (the context)instead of just seeing it in black & white like how you clearly are. That's the point of these trials.People like you can be a part of a jury & just see the case black & white & throw a non guilty man into prison. He acted in self defense- everyone could have made better decisions but he was given too harsh of a punishment under the circumstances.

  8. Was it self-defense?

    He did run up on the teenagers like a bloated hippo and he kind of did bring it upon himself. If he did hit the girl first it definitely was not self-defense, but I don't know if he hit her first or not, so reasonable doubt. However, I'm not too concerned that he got convicted.

  9. guy didn't try very hard to save himself, try getting help or remove himself from the situation that he got himself into and started due to his own stupidity. for me, it comes down to ego ESPECIALLY for men. regardless of the fact that he got himself into that spot, he still could've used help to defuse it and get out of the situation. it would've looked weird to scream for help and run away as fast as possible but then he JUST would've looked weird and he wouldn't be involved in such a messy (not really) case where he fukin stabbed someone. rather look like a freak and be safe than act tough and proceed to swim up shit creek with my mouth stuck open, legally or physically.

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